The Opportunity Analysis Canvas is a new tool for identifying and analyzing entrepreneurial ideas. Structured as a nine-step experience, the canvas is segmented into: (a) thinking entrepreneurially with an entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial motivation, and entrepreneurial behavior; (b) seeing entrepreneurially with industry conditions, industry status, macroeconomic change, and competition; and (c) acting entrepreneurially with value innovation and opportunity identification.
The Opportunity Analysis Canvas was created by Dr. James V. Green. It is based on his experiences of teaching 300,000 students and advising 100 companies, to include multiple Inc. 500 award winners. Conceived during his doctoral dissertation titled "Educating entrepreneurship students about opportunity discovery: A psychosocial development model for enhanced decision-making", the Opportunity Analysis Canvas is the cornerstone of Dr. Green's teaching and research at the University of Maryland.
"The Opportunity Analysis Canvas : Second Edition" is now available as an ebook.
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