Thank you for your interest in integrating The Opportunity Analysis Canvas into your classroom experience. This sample syllabus provides 47 mini-lectures, inclusive of PowerPoint slide links, and eight assignment links. The 10 sections of the syllabus may be taught at a pace of one section per week for a 12 to 15 week course, with several weeks dedicated to in-class discussions and student presentations, guest speakers, competitions, events, etc.  Alternatively, the larger sections may be distributed over 2 or more weeks to align the content with a 12 to 15 week course.



Course Description

This course assists aspiring and active entrepreneurial leaders in the startup and corporate settings with understanding the content, methods, and models for new venture opportunity assessment and analysis. Students learn how to identify and analyze entrepreneurial opportunities using The Opportunity Analysis Canvas. The Opportunity Analysis Canvas distills vast amounts of research in psychology, sociology, and business into a practical how-to guide for aspiring and active entrepreneurs. At its core, The Opportunity Analysis Canvas contains a powerful argument that anyone can be a successful entrepreneur or intrapreneur by thoughtfully examining themselves and new venture opportunities. By harnessing these insights, we can transform our ideas into businesses that are lasting successes. Through a series of self-assessments and analytical frameworks, students will examine how to identify, evaluate, and act on the opportunities and challenges within industries and markets of interest to them and/or their companies.

Course Goals

  • Develop the skills for identifying and analyzing entrepreneurial ideas

  • Foster thinking entrepreneurially with an awareness of entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial motivation, and entrepreneurial behavior

  • Cultivate seeing entrepreneurially with attention to industry conditions, industry status, macroeconomic change, and competition

  • Champion acting entrepreneurially with an understanding of value innovation and opportunity identification

Course Materials

The Opportunity Analysis Canvas” by James V. Green.


Through a series of self-assessments and analytical frameworks, students will examine how to identify, evaluate, and act on the opportunities and challenges within industries and markets of interest to them and/or their companies via:

  • Entrepreneurial Mindset Assessment - 10%

  • Entrepreneurial Motivation Assessment - 10%

  • Entrepreneurial Behavior Assessment - 10%

  • Industry Analysis - 10%

  • Market Analysis - 10%

  • Competitive Analysis - 10%

  • Value Curve Analysis - 15%

  • Opportunity Analysis - 25%


Section 1: Entrepreneurial Mindset

Lecture 1: Do entrepreneurs cause entrepreneurship? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 2: Do you have a high need for achievement? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 3: How does individualism influence your decision-making? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 4: Do you believe that you have control of your own destiny? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 5: Are you able to effectively focus your time and resources? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 6: Do friends characterize you as an optimist? (Download Lecture Slides)

Assignment 1: ENTREPRENEURIAL MINDSET ASSESSMENT (Download Assignment)


Section 2: Entrepreneurial Motivation

Lecture 7: Do you have high self-efficacy? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 8: Do you exhibit high cognitive motivation? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 9: What is your tolerance for ambiguity? (Download Lecture Slides)



Section 3: Entrepreneurial Behavior

Lecture 10: Do you have the confidence to attempt the difficult? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 11: What is your risk tolerance? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 12: Are your interpersonal skills well developed? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 13: Are you rich in social capital? (Download Lecture Slides)



Section 4: Industry Condition

Lecture 14: What impact do knowledge conditions have in your industry? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 15: Are the demand conditions in your industry favorable? (Download Lecture Slides)


Section 5: Industry Status

Lecture 16: What is the lifecycle stage of your industry? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 17: Is the industry capital intensive? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 18: Is the industry advertising intensive? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 19: Are you trying to enter a concentrated market? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 20: What is the average size of a company in the industry? (Download Lecture Slides)

Assignment 4: INDUSTRY ANALYSIS (Download Assignment)


Section 6: Macroeconomic Change

Lecture 21: What demographic changes are creating new market needs? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 22: What psychographic changes are opportunistic? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 23: What technical advancements are emerging? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 24: What societal changes are presenting new opportunities? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 25: What political and regulatory forces will influence the market? (Download Lecture Slides)

Assignment 5: MARKET ANALYSIS (Download Assignment)


Section 7: Competition

Lecture 31: How does the learning curve influence your success? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 32: What complementary assets are critical to develop? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 33: What is the reputation of your competitors? (Download Lecture Slides)

Assignment 6: COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS (Download Assignment)


Section 8: Value Innovation

Lecture 35: What is value innovation? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 36: What existing factors can you eliminate? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 37: Where can you reduce factors and not reduce value? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 38: Which factors can you raise above competitors? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 39: What new factors can you create? (Download Lecture Slides)

Assignment 7: VALUE INNOVATION ANALYSIS (Download Assignment)


Section 9: Opportunity Identification

Lecture 41: Is the problem real? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 42: Does your solution create value for your stakeholders? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 43: Is your advantage superior and sustainable? (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 44: Can you build the right team at the right time? (Download Lecture Slides)


Section 10: Building the Opportunity Analysis Canvas

Lecture 45: Building the Opportunity Analysis Canvas:  Part 1 (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 46: Building the Opportunity Analysis Canvas:  Part 2 (Download Lecture Slides)

Lecture 47: Building the Opportunity Analysis Canvas:  Part 3 (Download Lecture Slides)

Assignment 8: OPPORTUNITY ANALYSIS CANVAS (Download Assignment)